
Smart City – Copenhagen


Smart City in Greater Copenhagen

The smart city Copenhagen is a living laboratory for testing smart technologies to handle the challenges of urbanisation and climate change. Unique access to data and efficient public-private sector partnerships attract many multinationals.

Greater Copenhagen is a smart city front-runner. Here, a multitude of new smart city technologies and solutions are being tested and developed across the ICT, cleantech, construction and transportation sectors.

World’s first integrated city data exchange

Copenhagen aims to become the world’s first carbon-neutral capital by 2025, and Denmark is determined to become fully independent of fossil fuels by 2050.

These ambitious objectives and the strong political focus on sustainable societies in national and local government create motivation for developing smart cities and pave the way for large-scale testing of smart city solutions in real-life urban environments.

See how Hitachi is building the world’s first integrated City Data Exchange in Copenhagen.


Smart city in Copenhagen is a political priority

Greater Copenhagen has become a preferred living lab for testing and developing smart city technologies, owing to easy collaboration with academia, the public sector and industry.

Moreover, the Danes are early adopters of new technologies, and Denmark has a long tradition of citizen involvement in urban planning and development.


Copenhagen’s smart city start-up scene is strong

Copenhagen is a breeding ground for smart city start-ups.

Around 250 companies are involved in smart city activities in Greater Copenhagen, and small companies make up two thirds of the smart city industry, offering attractive investment opportunities as well as bridgeheads for collaboration with the public sector in Denmark.

World Smart Cities Award 2014

Copenhagen won the World Smart Cities Award in 2014 for its Copenhagen Connecting Project, demonstrating the city’s smart city leadership position.

Unique access to public data sources

For decades, the Danish authorities have collected and stored basic data about citizens, businesses and real estate in order to digitise services across administrations and sectors.

A new government programme provides free access to public data sources in the aim to drive smart city innovation.

This availability of high-quality basic data provides a unique starting point for developing smart solutions to meet the challenges of urbanisation and climate change, such as traffic congestion and flooding of urban areas.


Explore your business opportunities …

International companies are strongly encouraged to come to Greater Copenhagen to become part of the region’s fast-growing smart city industry. Free of charge, Copenhagen Capacity assists international companies looking for business partners, investment opportunities and test markets for new products and technologies.

Please contact our business consultants if you want to know more.


… in Europe’s easiest place to do business

Flexible labour market regulation, highly qualified talent, favourable taxation, fast establishment procedures and virtually no corruption make Denmark one of the easiest and most cost-efficient places in Europe to do business.

See more about setting up a business in Copenhagen.



Source: Smart City – Copenhagen

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